An intimidating zig-zagging stairway almost all the way to the summit of Grandview Park.
Grandview Park was a seldom-visited hilltop park before the nearby 16th Avenue Tiled Steps became a popular attraction. Now this stairway serves as a connection between the two for visitors who wish to see the views that gave the park its name.
The original plan for Golden Gate Heights had a smaller Grandview Park, with homes lining the base of the hill along Noriega Street and 14th and 15th Avenues. Only the top of the hill would have been a park, and Crestwell Walk was laid out as one of the means of accessing that park, along with Encinal Walk. This stairway was obviously built more recently, and technically isn't part of Crestwell Walk - which is about 30 feet to the east, next to 748 Noriega.